Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The Making of a Surprise

The surprise was years in the making. It all started long before our children were even born.

I was the first one to get hooked.  Then, several years later, when our son was in fourth grade, he followed in my footsteps. He didn’t just read the books.  He inhaled them.

Not being the one to lag behind her older brother, our daughter trailed right on his heel.  The first time around, she devoured the books one after another.  Then, she did it again and again and again.  She blazed through the entire series four times.  Memorized lines and chapters. Identified with various characters at various seasons. Passionately debated obscure details of the story line with anyone who would pause long enough to listen.  She became our in-house expert par excellence on all things Harry Potter. Our family conversations suddenly included James and Lilly, Dumbledore and the Dursleys as if we shared some long-forgotten blood line. 

Then the movies came out, and the wizarding world became all the more real.  When we heard that the local theme park was building Hogwarts in our back yard, we knew that from then on, it was all simply a matter of timing.

One day… some day… we will go there…

Of course, to our kids it felt like eternity… waiting, hearing the thrilling reports of the eyewitnesses, fortunate enough to go there and experience the magic first-hand.

Describing the taste of frozen butterbeer…

Explaining the moving portraits in Gryffindor common room…

The thrill of being called by Ollivander and chosen by the wand…

For everyone knows that the wand chooses the wizard, not the other way around

In the course of time, the doubts crept into their hearts that they would ever live to see it with their own eyes, touch it with their own hands, set their own feet on the pavement of Diagon Alley… Other people may be lucky enough…

It’s not as if the written words weren’t magical enough… as if it wasn’t more than enough to simply be immersed in the magic of the J.K. Rowling’s universe within your own imagination, recognizing the connections, sharing them joyously with friends and family, neighbors and strangers-turned-friends by the common passion…

But, being immersed into it with your entire being… heart and mind, hands and feet… touching it with your fingers… for real… ? It just seemed too too  much to ask… way waaaay beyond their reach...

Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard,
And which have not entered the heart of man,
All that God has prepared for those who love Him. I Corinthians 2:9

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