Saturday, January 04, 2014

Security in Uncertainty

I peek into 2014 from the doorstep of its Day Four.  Which, I can’t help but think, is Day 369 of 2013.  I bring Content into this new year.  For better or for worse, I gift 2014 with the sum total of all the moments and days of the decades of my life leading up to this 'Now'.

I don't want to forget the past.  But, I don't want the past to hold me back from what God wants to do in my life in the future.

Part of me feels at a lost. 

Like an artist with a brush in front of a white canvas.  

Like a writer with a pen and a blank page.  

Like a gardener with a wide-open landscape waiting to be parceled out and planted.

Like a composer looking at the lines laid out for him, unmarked by notes and rests. Undetermined key. Trying to listen in to the music only he can hear, capturing the melody one note at a time.

I don’t really know where I am going from here.  I don’t know what I am getting myself into.

And the path isn’t clear.

There is uncertainty in the walk of faith. If it was completely certain, it wouldn't be faith. The lack of clarity reveals my need to lean in and listen - daily, sometimes moment by moment, to what the inaudible Voice, what the Word of God is speaking to me today. This might be my life, but I recognize I am not fully in charge - nor do I want to be - of either the canvas or the brush. The pen and the page.

There was a time when Thomas, the doubting disciple felt the same:

Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?  John 14:5

...Lord, we are kind of lost here. We have no clue either where You are taking us nor which way You are going to take us...

Jesus’ response to him is,

You already know the way, Thomas.  For I AM the Way.  I AM the Truth.  I AM the Life. John 14:6

There is security in this uncertainty.  For I do know who the Bookends is.  The Alfa. And the Omega. The Beginning and the End.

And, before and after all, that is all that matters.

This is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.  John 17:3

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