Friday, January 03, 2014

The Tricky Business of New Year's Resolutions

We made the discovery that our capacity for joy had already reached its puny limit exactly 30 minutes too late.  About the same time when the ‘grand finale’ fireworks fizzled out and  approximately three billion other ‘pure-joy’ seekers were forced to leave the park all at the same time.

We spent the first hour and a half of 2014. next to the Cat in the Hat Row 606 sign on the top floor of the Universal Studios parking lot stuck in an epic traffic jam with the rest of our pooped-out new friends and their feral children and grandchildren. Together, we all had ample opportunity to grind our teeth along with the car gears and meditate on the fickleness of all human joy.

Our nosedive into the New Year had one side benefit though.  It clearly showed us the futility of all our human efforts to ‘make it good’ in any lasting way. Now that that burden was off our shoulders, we felt strangely light and feathery.

Suddenly it begun to dawn on me that we might finally be able to beat the system.

We can forgo making those oh-so-sweet-and-wonderfully-sounding New Year’s resolutions which will cackle in our faces by the end of January (if we are really really lucky or really stubborn); those innocent and harmless-looking sneaky little tripsters that stab you in the back on the morning of January 4th, just as you are getting out of bed.

I thank God for the New Year’s nosedive and the epic early-morning fiasco for it helps me realize I can finally make a resolution that I know I will be able to keep.

I resolve NOT to resolve.

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