Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to Jumpstart the Dead Battery

I tend to be quite content with my daily reading routine. Over the years I developed a system that works for me and most days I stick to it. But, every once in a while, (or more often than that!), I notice I am falling headlong into a rut. 

The fist indicator of this is that I think I already know what God is going to say (?!!). 

Suddenly all the fun is taken out of reading His written word, all the vital signs go flat and it's just dead words on a page that begin to sound something like 

Yada, yada, yada… 

When that happens, I know I am in trouble. 

Obviously, there is a heart issue with that kind of attitude which I need to first recognize and then acknowledge.  But sometimes, getting out of a rut can be as simple as reading God’s Word in a translation different from the one I am used to.  Reading familiar thoughts packaged in a radically different way can be quite refreshing and insightful.

So, the other day I decided to pick up a copy of The Word on The Street by Rob Lacey

Reading it was more than simply ‘refreshing’ and ‘insightful’.  It was…how shall I describe it?  Well, I am not even going to try. I think I’ll just let you decide for yourself.  

Here’s a small portion from one of my favorite books, 2 Corinthians. Apostle Paul is describing his recent missionary trip to some close friends:

You are like brothers and sisters, so you need to know the score. 
The West Turkey trip was a total nightmare!
Everything hit the fan;
our eyes flashed before our eyes;
we were comparing notes on our funeral services.
End product?
Well, what d’you do when your battery’s flat,
your tank’s empty,
 your engine’s splurging out gunge and
there’s still a mountain to drive up?
You phone God’s personal breakdown service.
You know he is the only one who can get you going again,
even if you’ve died
(he’s done it before!).
 He got us out of schtuck, and
 he’ll do it again –
‘cos you keep on nagging him to.
The end product is this:
loads of people are well happy ‘cos
God’s response record is top.

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