Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Resting Boot Camp

Of course, as always, I have my own idea about the best approach to reaching the optimum rest in the most time/money cost effective way.

Installing an automatic sprinkling system, for example.  I can rest while the sprinkling system does all the time-consuming watering work. If I could get an app for that, my life would be perfect. I wouldn't need to stand, holding the hose, day in, day out, picking lint out of my navel. But, last time I tried to lobby for that, it didn't go too well.

The Gardener doesn't budge.  The old garden hose is a non-negotiable.

Non-negotiable????We live in the age of technology, for Pete's sake!  I protest. What's so special about the ancient, beat-up garden hose? Why can't I use the automatic sprinkling system?!!! I tend to pick my favorite fights.

For the same reason we are not going to Home Depot, he answers calmly.

I am glad you brought it up yourself.  I knew there was something else he was doing - or not doing - that was driving me crazy.  I need to understand what is so morally reprehensible about going to Home Depot?

I didn't say anything about 'morally reprehensible'... . This is just not the right time... for you. 

So, I am the problem! I am shocked how quickly our tiff escalated into an all-out war, at least from my perspective.

He chooses not to answer my implicit Declaration of War and hands me the hose.

Your garden is waiting. 

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