Thursday, June 06, 2013

Companions in Crud

Every square inch of our entire front and back yard is covered out evenly with three feet of cow manure. I eat, sleep, dream and wear the cow manure. The sun rises and the sun sets on the Dung Mountain in our driveway. Everywhere I turn, that’s all I see.

The sheer energy required for shoveling takes most of the feistiness out of me. That, in itself, is a miracle. Even though I can’t help but resent the one who orchestrated this truck delivery, I also can’t help but appreciate the fact that he is right there with me, day in, day out, shovel in hand.

When it starts to rain, I break down and begin to weep.  After awhile, I realize I am not really helping by adding to the water flow. I wipe my tears with the soaked elbow and resume my post next to the Gardener. Both of us are drenched, both knee-deep in the river of doo that flows off the sides of the mountain.  I know he must be exhausted since he always works at least twice as hard as I do and finishes all the cleanup at the end of each day.

Suddenly it crosses my mind that he doesn’t have to be here – it’s my driveway, after all, and yet, he never fails to show up. I wonder why?

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