Monday, February 25, 2013

Bad, Badder, the Baddest...or...?

My ingenious Plan B nixed, my new found identity as the Great Weed Exterminator,…well, to put it mildly, declared ineffective if not destructive, I am tumbling from bad to badder, from discouragement into despair. I mean, capital D Despair.

I have nothing left.

I am doomed forever.

In the back of my mind, a tiny bug starts buzzing… I am annoyed and would much rather be left alone to rot.  But the bug keeps on... bugging, for that's what the bugs do. In between the annoying buzzings, I think I hear something along the lines of despair being a compost pile for real growth.

The counter-intuitive nature of the statement gets me quite distracted from my rotting-in-the-dungeon-of-doom frame of mind. I latch on it like a nursing infant.

Despair is the compost pile for real growth… Despair… is a compost pile… for real… growth…

There is no question that my life resembles a big, stinky compost pile, indeed. Despair and all. But, real growth?!! And do I even know what this 'real growth' thing is all about…???

By now, I’ve learned at least one thing.  I am hopelessly clueless.  I know nothing about gardening and growing stuff. Except, perhaps, growing multi-colored mold inside a container of leftover lasagna forgotten in the back of our refrigerator.

 I realize I need a big-time miracle. And the only One I know qualified in this department is… God!

OMG! I am such a loser! I need God to weed my garden! How pathetic is that? HOW pathetic is THAT??!!!

Pathetic or not, I have nowhere else to turn. So, I slump down on my knees and utter the most sincere prayer I’ve said in a very, VERY long time:

Ah, LORD God, You who created this amazing world out of nothing, You who give life to the dead, make me a gardener.

Just like that.

When you are at the bottom, the only way to look is up.

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