Monday, June 11, 2012

CopyCat 007 - Filial Relationships... The Many Faces of Love Part 7

Somebody, Please, Wake Me Up from My Spiritual
Sugar-Overdose Induced Comma!

As I reflect more on all this, crazy as it may sound, I deeply believe that it is NOT Jesus' words that are giving us spiritual indigestion. Not at all! A little thought actually crossed my mind that, perhaps, what is giving all of us some serious digestive trouble as we take in God's Word is ....that our stomachs might be a tad too accustomed to:

  • Spiritual sugar-coated sweets also known as Scar-Pain-Suffering-Free Gospel, which is not the Gospel of the Crucified and Risen Savior at all, but only a cheap imitation of it;

  • Highly processed spiritual milk at best and junk food (perhaps even poison) at worst, served to us in many unsuspecting ways and many forms, sometimes even through sermons proclaimed from the pulpits and places of recognized and 'approved' spiritual authorities around the world (I am not naming any names here, you know who you are);

  • Predigested spiritual 'food' substitutes readily available in the many daily devotionals of the type You-Too-Can-Be-Holy-(and-HAPPY!!!)-In-Just-Five-Minutes-By-Following-These-Three-Quick-And-Easy-Steps

All this, coupled with our own






I-want-what-I-want-and-I-want-it-RIGHT-NOW!!! flesh makes it almost impossible to resist avoiding God's Word as a plague.

Add to all that our


ever-agile and

on-high-alert Enemy who simply wants to keep us asleep in our artificial-spiritual-sweetener-induced coma...

... and you get a perfect recipe for keeping the status quo- well, same-old-same-old.

C.S. Lewis wrote about this much more eloquently than I ever could in his book The Screwtape Letters. If you have it on your bookshelf collecting dust, I would warmly recommend you dust it off and crack it open... well, maybe not! Most of my recommendations to my readers are quite dangerous and should always be followed only at your own risk!

Considering all this, no wonder one needs to search for a true follower of Christ under a superpower microscope. Or as a famous Greek philosopher used to do, carrying a candlelight in broad daylight.

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