Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My True Christmas Wish List

Some of my favorite people in the Christmas story come from the family of the Baptists - I don't think that's their real name, but their son John is most well-know for it. His mom and dad, for example, had quite a reputation with God. They were good, solid people devoted to prayer. Not only was that their job.  It was also in their blood.  Now, one would think that being righteous and blameless in God's eyes (Luke 1:6), and being the people of prayer amounts to something. Like getting an insider's scoop, a guarantee of an affirmative answer to one’s requests before the Almighty.  It turns out, Zacharias and Elizabeth, like many other faithful couples, were left to go without, empty-handed, for a long long time at least on one specific item on their prayer list. No babies, no burp rags, no onesies. No heirs, no godly legacy.  Funny how God sometimes appears to treat some of His best people.

But then, one ordinary day, a Tuesday or Wednesday, maybe, their wait abruptly ended. In fact, the answer to their prayers came in such an extraordinary way that Zacharias was dumbstruck. Literally.  I wonder if part of him stopped believing that God really listened. If it was even worth the bother dragging this before Him again and again.And then, there were the facts - he was old, and Elizabeth wasn't a spring chicken either. The angel was so offended by Zacharias disbelief he struck him dumb. I sure am glad I don't converse with angels on regular basis!

 Zacharias was left speechless until baby John was born, when God opened his mouth again. What came out were some of the most empowering and hopeful words I find in the entire Scriptures (well, you can wrestle with me over this one, but I sure love this prayer).  

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,
For He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people…
To grant that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies,
Might serve Him without fear,
In holiness and righteousness before Him all our days.
And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;
For you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways;
To give to His people the knowledge of salvation,
By the forgiveness of their sins,
Because of the tender mercy of our God… Luke 1:74-78

Being delivered from our enemies…
Serving God without fear
In holiness
In righteousness before Him
Every single day of our lives
Today… tomorrow… until we see Him face to face
Knowing our sins are forgiven
Knowing the price has already been paid…

Isn’t that the cry of our hearts?  Isn’t that what we really want – what we need - for Christmas? 

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