Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Today, I want to build a Snowman.  I announce to the ocean. Well, a Sandman would be more accurate,  I immediately correct myself.  It’s really the Editor speaking. Accuracy is very important to the Editor.  Inaccurate sloppy language is an indication of inaccurate sloppy thinking.  And inaccurate sloppy thinking coupled with inaccurate sloppy language leads to inaccurate sloppy living. Needless to say, the Editor can’t stand sloppiness however you look at it.  It’s one of the ten deadly sins in his meticulously kept little red book.

Then, for some reason, I proceed with the explanation, as if the ocean needs me to explain everything, or anything at all, for that matter.

You know, it’s winter. It’s a very appropriate seasonal activity.  

Now it’s the PR Manager’s turn. The PR Manager is intensely concerned with what is appropriate and suitable with a discreet emphasis, ‘just a touch’, she would say, ‘of seasonal’. She is a tireless vigilante ensuring we never cross the invisible ever-shifting lines of ‘proper’.  My PR Manager has the most difficult job because she always wants to tame my naturally color-outside-the-lines, fiercely disheveled, messy messy life.  But she is also a very smart lady and knows how to play me and my Cool-Me persona.

This would be soooo cool. I could take a picture of it once I am done and post it on Facebook. I think people would like it.

It slipped just like that.  This people-would-like-it part. And suddenly there is a wailing of sirens inside my head, a red alert, indicating imminent grave danger.

Are you telling me we are doing this just to get some ‘likes’ on your Facebook page?!!! 

The deep sense of betrayal is oozing out of every syllable of every word.

 I thought we came here to have fun for fun’s sake, not to parade it to the world so we can prove to everyone how much fun we have!

But before I could even begin to think how to respond to the outrage within, I feel a tiny hand slipping inside the palm of mine, and a tiny voice overwhelms all the noise with its simple invitation.

Do you want to go for a walk with me?

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