Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Law of Serendipity

I take a deep breath. It’s my turn to walk my talk.  It’s my turn to trust… and let go… and embrace… whatever it is that’s out there to embrace with my eyes blindfolded.

We all are a little apprehensive when we go to school to meet Ms. S, the new fifth grade teacher. 

First thing we notice is that she is young.  She couldn't be older than fourteen! She is also very sweet.  She has transferred from another school after one month of teaching first grade. 

This tells us a lot. It tells us that she is familiar with the heartbreak. She is a fellow sufferer of the trauma of rooting and uprooting and transplanting and re-rooting.  She knows what these kids are going through and she is present in and through it all. Her new room is already set up – minus just a minor setback - a broken classroom A/C in Florida’s sweltering September, which, we are sure will be taken care of by the time the new school week starts in few days.

It is inside this simmering crock-pot of a classroom that we discover our daughter’s new teacher is also a Harry Potter fanatic… pardon me – fan… just like we are! 

Our resident Harry Potter buff can’t believe her fortune.  Her new fifth grade teacher shares the same Hogwarts DNA with her! They both light up like 4th of July fireworks display as they talk Dumbledore and Voldemort, muggles and Ministry of Magic.

My husband and I look at each other and suddenly we know for certain that all is right with the world.  The worst thing has become the best thing and we find ourselves again in that blissful place where we can’t wait to see what is in store for us in the coming year

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