Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Impossible Shifting Yardstick

But, for some reason, more often than not, all I see is the footprint.

The mess left on my driveway.

I don’t see a whole person, visible and invisible, body and soul, heart and spirit,  but a depersonalized interruption and disruption to my little life and my little world. 

As if the God of heaven and earth who created both of us, the God who cleans every shore of every ocean, not once but twice a day can not help me clean up this speck of dust left on the sidewalk!

And rather than being in awe at the marvel and the mystery of this human being behind the footprint - the amazingly intricate body which is only a fitting container for the amazingly intricate soul which is just an outer court for the inner room where the Spirit of the living God resides… all I see is a... footprint?

And having lost sight of the beauty and the glory, all that is left is a crooked yardstick to check how we measure up. 

Not enough. 

Too much. 

Too tall.

Too short.

Too fat.  

Too skinny. 

Too organized. 

Too spontaneous.  

Too cynical.  

Too gullible. 

Too spiritual. 

Too carnal. 

Too emotional. Too logical. Too talkative.  Too quiet.  Too lazy.  Too busy.  Too lenient.  Too judgmental.

Too much... not enough... too much... not enough... not enough...

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