Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don't Be a Mosquito

Mom, why did God make mosquitoes?

Here we go again, I think, as I brace myself for yet another stab at the theological conundrum as it relates to  the purpose for the existence of the blood-sucking insect.

Hmmm… food for the frogs?  I suggest tentatively, sensing that the most obvious, pragmatic answer might not satisfy my pint-size theologian.  

But, frogs can eat flies… they don’t need mosquitoes.

That would be like saying, Well, you don’t need ice-cream – you can eat rice all the time. Perhaps, frogs need tasty snacks and a little variety just like we do.

That’s not helping, Mom!  Scratch, scratch, scratch.

How about this?  Maybe God made mosquitoes to show us how annoying the constant buz-buz-buzzzing of their chattering wings can be… now, that makes sense to me!


Well, that didn't go over too well. 

Suddenly I remember a tiny sting of an unkind word I heard earlier this morning.  It was sooo small.  So seemingly insignificant. But I couldn’t shake it off.  I couldn’t just move on. It kept itching and itching.  And I kept scratching and scratching… until there was a big red welt on my mind and heart.  Just like after a mosquito bite!
And in that moment I realize that sometimes it’s not the big and the earth-shattering things that ruin our days. Sometimes it’s the tiny mosquito bites – a harsh word, an unkind look.  It may seem small and petty to even register it… And when it comes from me, I can easily justify it by a long day, and a stressful week. But, truth is, it can sting and it can hurt. And the itching can last well beyond the momentary bite.

And the little critter becomes a mirror I don't necessarily want to face... but one thing I do know.  I don’t want to be a mosquito!

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

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