Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Beauty from Brokeness

I learned about Nozomi Project through a friend's Facebook post. Here's how she introduces this remarkable example of turning brokenness and devastation into a thing of beauty:

I am deeply convinced that the very brokenness we all try desperately to avoid, can be transformed in a far deeper expression of life-giving beauty, hope, freedom than perfect "wholeness" we try to preserve. Light shines through the cracks. My own kintsugi pottery (Cracks which would render a piece worthless are filled with gold, making the very thing that defined its ruin it into its greatest asset) is an expression of this, a pointer to the greater truth of the brokenness in our own lives.

My friend Sue is genuinely helping make beautiful things out of the brokenness which the earthquake and tsunami in Japan wrought. Shards of pottery are being transformed into jewelry, shards of lives are being transformed, given hope and purpose again. Sue's inspiration is bringing incredible Hope and Help to broken lives, and bringing beauty to everyone who gets involved.

To learn more about this project of hope, or Nozomi Project, visit their website at http://nozomiproject.com/

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