Saturday, April 06, 2013

Resurrection 101 - Unfinished Business... Meet Pete

To fully appreciate the twenty-first chapter of the Gospel of John, we must go back in time and get to know a bit of history of one of Jesus' first disciples.

We meet Pete aka Simon in the earliest days of Jesus’ public ministry. It’s Pete’s little brother, Andrew who introduces him to Jesus first.

Simon, meet our long awaited Messiah, Jesus.

Jesus, meet Simon, my bro.

But, Jesus needs no introduction. With one look He sees into Simon, skips all the pleasantries and changes his name:

You are Simon the son of John; you shall be called Cephas (which is translated Peter (meaning Rock). John 1:42

Jesus sees something in this weathered fisherman that nobody else sees and names it.

Peter. Rock.

The seasoned fisherman experiences the biggest catch of his life, only to realize that he has been caught in the net of God’s purposes far exceeding his wildest dreams or expectations. And he is terrified.

Go away from me, Lord.  I am a sinful man. Luke 5:8

I am not Your kind of guy, Lord. I am damaged goods. Second-hand material.  Go, find Yourself somebody else, some seminary-educated, cream-of-the-religious-crop polished dude who doesn't swear and cuss... who isn't...

But, Jesus is not deterred. He knows He has just the kind of guy He needs for what He desires to accomplish... 

Do not fear.  From now on, you will be catching men. Luke 5:10

Peter responds to Jesus with wholesale abandon, dumps his old fishing nets and follows Him.

Over the years, we see Peter walking on the water with Jesus... as well as sinking - in more ways than one.  Out of Peter’s mouth come some of the most profound truths and some of the dumbest statements recorded in the New Testament.  But, in all his bumbling devotion to Jesus, one thing is abundantly clear.

Peter loves Jesus.

He may not always understand Him.  He may not always like what Jesus is saying. In fact, at times, he is positively upset with Him.  

But he loves Him. 

He loves Him so much that he is even willing to die for Him. 

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