Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eating an Elephant One Forkful At a Time

I find myself in that place a lot. In way over my head.  Biting off more than I can chew. Stuck between the rock – this journey is too great for you – and the hard place – this job is too big for you.  I need to know, I need to understand what is my part, my portion in this journey.

For, every road-trip is comprised of countless small steps, a meter upon meter, a mile upon mile.  And every proverbial elephant is eaten one bite at a time. And sometimes, between the forkfuls we realize that we can’t eat this elephant alone.  We are not meant to do it alone. There are other parts and other players in God’s greater symphony. 

When the time comes for Elijah to exit the stage, there will be Elisha who will pick up and carry his mantle. Who will be anointed with the double portion of Elijah’s spirit to continue where Elijah left off. Who will learn to rely on the God of Elijah the way he saw and heard his master did.

The day Elijah is dramatically taken away from this world in the blazing chariots of fire (I can’t think of a more suitable exit scene for such a personality!) is not the last we see of God’s fiery servant.  In fact, in the closing words of the final book of the Old Testament it is announced that he’ll be back to inaugurate the grand finale and the arrival of the Messiah into human history. 

Can you imagine Elijah learning about this from the Lord?!!! What a shocking surprise to discover that God's purposes for his amazing life reach well beyond his temporary residence in the wilderness of Judah, in the mountains of Israel, long after Baal worshipers are gone, long after Ahab and Jezebel are dead... That his life, just like the life of Moses, and your life and mine, was a preparation, a prelude for the life of the One we all are waiting for. 

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