Monday, August 19, 2013

Two Plus Two Equals...Eight?

Energized by the heavenly superfood, Elijah crawls out from under the juniper tree and decides he needs a refresher course on all that he knows that he knows that he knows of his God.  Back to the basics.

I do that a lot.  When God’s dealings with me seem to contradict everything that I know that I know of Him, I rewind.  I go back to the beginning.  To the elementary school classroom where I learned the ABCs of God.

For Elijah, that Kindergarten classroom is the same place where God had stepped into the human history and one ordinary Tuesday or Wednesday surprised Moses out of his boots. So, Elijah plugs into his GPS the coordinates of Horeb and heads over to the Mountain of God

The mountain where God reveals Himself to Moses as the God of the Blazing Flames (Exodus 3:1-3)  The same mountain where a bit later He reveals Himself again as the God of the  Raging Fire. (Exodus 24:15-17) And as if that wasn't enough, in Elijah’s own experience, God is the God of conflagration. The God of Mt Horeb is the same God of the Mt Carmel.

Two plus two equals…
But before he is able to do this simple God-math, Elijah is interrupted with a familiar Presence:

So, Elijah, whatcha you doin' here?

Hmmmm...good question, LORD. What the heck AM I doing here? Well, I am trying to figure You out God.  I am trying to do the simple algebra, and put two and two together and understand how what I know that I know is true of You – what Moses (a little name dropping never hurts) knew was true of You - fits with the colossal mess that I am in.  

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