Thursday, November 08, 2012

What Piggy Taught Us By His Death - Life has an Expiration Date

We knew this from the very beginning.  We talked about it.  We thought we were prepared. But when the day actually arrived, well… it’s an altogether different ball game. 

We wondered if it was our fault… If only we did this or didn’t do that… 

There were ‘Why did You take my piggy???’ and ‘I want my piggy back right now!’ and ‘I miss my piggy’ and, ‘Mom, I can’t live without him!’

O.K.  I know some of us are more dramatic than others, because a question of estimated time it would take for the body to decompose was also brought up.

There were also recollections of all the wonderful moments we shared with George, and feeling so blessed that we got to enjoy the best piggy in the entire universe. And then back again to WHY???

Life is a gift that has an expiration date with it.  Death is an inevitability of living in a broken world.  We all know it, but when death knocks on our door… it’s like going from watching a weather report on your TV or iPad from the comfort of your favorite cushy sofa with a glass of Chardonnay in your hand into having your roof being blown off and the ceiling caving in under the hurricane strength winds and the torrential rain. It becomes real.

Death has many shapes and many faces.  It can be a death of a dream.  Of a friendship. Marriage.  A loss of the sense of security. Shattered trust. Or it can be a physical death of a loved one. Each death is a reminder. We live in a broken world. We all are on borrowed time.  Not knowing my own departure date makes each day all the more precious.  I can’t take this gift of life and all the marvelous variety wrapped inside it for granted. For I have no guarantees that I will be with you tomorrow. 

So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12  

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