Friday, August 17, 2012

It's Bath Time!

The old hollow rubber snake I use to transfer two parts hydrogen and one part of oxygen in a more or less steady flow from the spigot near our house to the various parts of our yard looks like it has sustained some curious transformation in his hand. .. became an extension of his body rather than a separate entity. 'The water spits and splutters at first, but when the flow is established he turns around and points it directly at me. 

Caked in mud and dirt from head to toe, I bounce out of the way.  Last time I was hosed down in this manner was when I was seven years old! But he would have none of it.  So, rather than arguing with him again over thousands of better ways to get cleaned, I choose to yield this time, surrendering to the stream, starting with my face and the rest of my head.

The water feels alive.  The sparkling droplets are infused with energy all their own.  I open my mouth wide and let the water in... It tastes sweet and aromatic like there is mint in it, and a touch of lime, and something else I can't quite identify. I am being scrubbed clean under this living stream - my head, my hair, my entire body, my clothes...from top to bottom, all around, outside-in....

Outside-in...?!!! My eyes pop wide open for I've never experienced the sensation of having a shower on the outside as well as on the inside!  He observes my surprise, clearly enjoying himself.  I can't say I understand what is going on.  All I know is that I want this flow of living water to keep coming in and around and through me forever.  I savor the unfamiliar taste of this new kind of cleanliness and I never want to get dirty again. My fears, my doubts, my unbearable sense of guilt, even my unquestioning loyalty to my way of looking at the world are being rinsed out with this bubbling magic.I look down and around my feet I expect to see ever-growing puddle of mud, but instead I am greeted with a flowing spring of sparkling-crystal and diamonds and emeralds...

I try to say something, to ask him what ... and ... how... and...But the river of unspoken questions is suddenly interrupted by a loud banging on our front door.

He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior Titus 3:5,6

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