Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Empty Chair of Christmas

At first, it looked like it was going to be the best of both worlds.

Except for a little mishap at the departure – when one of the giant bags overstuffed with gifts burst open as it was checked in – the journey went without a hitch.  And even the unfortunate bag, hastily refilled with all the gifts so nothing was lost, then saran-wrapped so it could, if need be, withstand a flight to space and back, made it safely along with all its contents.

The question still remains unanswered… how does one cram all the love that’s inside a heart into a giant suitcase?

Then came joyful reunion.  The hugs and the kisses. The celebration on both sides of the globe, and a huge sigh of relief.  The unpacking. The ooohs and the aaaahs over the exotic cargo, an intoxicating taste of a far off country . The cross-cultural mission accomplished. Raving success.

On both sides of the vast ocean everyone is busy with their Christmas preparations. The gifts to buy and make. The decorations and the lights. The cooking and the baking.  The tablecloths and the stemware.

The distance divides.

The distance unites.

Then, at just the right hour, everyone gathers – separated and united at the same time by the grainy video feed filled with jubilant faces.  Everyone is cramming together peeking, waving, nodding, calling out.  So much noise you can barely hear yourself.

It’s all good.  All around good.

Until over the din of excitement and the party noise somebody says,



Not good??? What do you mean it’s not good?  Everything is GREAT!

Everyone else nods.

Yea.  It’s all good.  All very, very good.

But the one insists that there is something that is not good.

The rest are finally silenced.

The chairs, the renegade points, These chairs are EMPTY! That’s NOT GOOD. We MISS YOU.  We miss you HERE. We miss you bad. I miss you here, sitting in these chairs next to me.

The rest, having been temporarily lost in the jubilation of successful mission, agree.

It’s just not complete without you.

And so, as long as there are two worlds, there will always be some chairs left empty.  

Heaven’s gain, earth’s loss. 

Heaven’s loss, earth’s gain. 

There are empty chairs in each of our lives, even as we celebrate the good.

Which makes me think that there was another chair left empty – that remained empty – in heaven for thirty-some Christmases.  A chair next to the Father’s, while angels and saints celebrated… Christmas in, and Christmas out…. and muttered to each other,

We miss Him here… We miss Him bad. It’s just not the same here without Him…

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.  2 Corinthians 8:9

Although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.  Philippians 2:6-9

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