Friday, January 16, 2015

Writer Meets Editor

How about you, Mom?  How was your day?

The dinner is on and so is the conversation about the events of the day. We pass around questions and answers along with serving dishes from one person to the next. 

It was pretty good.  I went to a meeting…

What kind of meeting?

It was a writer-meets-editor meeting…

The collective groan that interrupted my sentence is punctuated by,

Oh NO! The dreamer meets the dream-CRUSHER!

The experience of our family fully confirms the bitter Dreamers vs Crushers stereotype. Every day a battle erupts or another between the right-brainers and the lefties. The creatives and the realists.  The dreamers and the dream crushers. Sometimes it’s an all-out war raging under our bobbling roof.

Nobody seems to notice that in this war both sides play the part of the half-wits.  

I know how it sounds, but it wasn’t like that at all.  I really like Marianne.

They look at me as if I just produced a flying pig belting out Let it Go inside a winter wonderland of the Frozen over hell.  

A LIKE relationship between a writer and an editor??? Impossible!

She suggested that we do this workbook together…see where it takes us...

A workbook?!! But, you don’t do workbooks!

You would think I just sold out my soul to the devil by trampling upon yet another time-honored family stereotype. (Although I have to admit here that I still cringe from the fill-in-the-blanks, right-answer-left-answer type of learning tools. )

Well, it’s not a TYPICAL workbook. I proceed slowly. 

One must carefully defend their seemingly cowardly compromise. 

It’s called…, I pause savoring the marvel which placed these two unexpected bed-fellows - the writer and the editor, on the same crumpled up page…

The book is calledThe Artist's Way.

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