Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Love At First Sight

When he first set his eyes on her, he was smitten. 

But what chance does a shy lad from the mountains have with the eyes of the color of the Adriatic on a stormy day?  

With the willow encircled by a flock of strutting peacocks?

When he was called for the compulsory military duty, he thought that was the end before anything even had an opportunity to begin. There was no way she would wait for him for three long years. Surrounded by all the garish suitors, pecking for her attention and affection. 

Alone, impossibly far away, hopeless and utterly powerless, he started writing.

Every day, tossed to and through on the bed of the seas - Adriatic, Mediterranean, Norwegian, Baltic, Aegean, Black - he poured his heart out on paper.

Every day he slipped his heart into an envelope and sealed it with his lips.

On the opposite end of the world, she started waiting for the letters from the quiet carpenter like parched ground waits for the rain.
Three years.  

One thousand letters.

But quiet water can carve its way through a mountain.

So, they got married.  Had one daughter.  And then another.

The boy who now was a father determined that his daughters would never be hungry.  Never go hungry for love.  Never go hungry for attention and affection.

And so, out of tattered suit of his childhood, of his dreams and disappointments, his hopes and heartbreaks this father, without even realizing, sew the best possible suit for the love of God to slip into his youngest daughter’s life.

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