Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hatching a Dragon's Egg

I scramble for a way out.  I guess Learn Something New Every Day rule applies to all of us unless, of course, we are faced with something extremely unpleasant, or extremely difficult, or really extremely impossible.  Like learning Hungarian. Or learning to knit.

I know because I tried both. 

Long time ago.  In a kingdom far far away. And it didn't work.

I actually grew up under the roof of the Queen of All Things Domestic, including the Our Majesty of Knitting and the Royal Highness of Crocheting who could actually speak Hungarian! 

I know, it’s disgusting.  Just one of these would be enough to push a person over the edge. 

My very own mom taught the entire neighborhoods to knit.  She knitted socks and sweaters, scarves and hats, jackets and blankets. She could have clothed the entire Genghis Khan army from head to toe.  If you can dream it up, she can make it.  She tried teaching her offspring this dark Masonic skill, to no avail.  Eventually we've all resigned to the fact that the knitting gene hasn't been passed on and my mom’s glorious legacy will dwindle into moth-eaten oblivion because of the exceptional incompetence of her two left-handed daughters.

The science of genetics, though, is a funny thing.  Genes seem to have a mind of their own, showing up out of nowhere, skipping generations, disappearing and reappearing of their own random will. Making our lives difficult when we least expect it.

Apparently, my mom’s knitting gene has skipped a generation along with her cooking gene and her cleaning gene, and landed full force on my unsuspecting brood.

I look back at my child’s guileless face, feeling like I am holding a dragon egg ready to hatch.

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