Thursday, March 06, 2014

Successful Failure

A feeling that we might be missing something in this Lent business,  something that perhaps could be rather important is gnawing at the back of my mind.  

But there are also two pairs of big brown eyes bearing at me,  waiting for my answer. Waiting for me to step up to the empty plate. I crumble under the dual tidal wave of  pressure to become a model parent and blaze this deprivation trail ahead of my children. Before I could even think it through, I blurt out:

Maybe I should give up Facebook?

Facebook?!!!  The aforementioned two pairs of big brown eyes pop out in unison.  Again?!!! You did that last time and it didn’t work!

What do you mean, ‘It didn’t work’, now I feel defensive about my first ever attempt at 40 day social media fast.

You know what we mean,  'it didn’t work'.  You stank at it. You were cheating. You kept checking your Facebook when you thought nobody was watching…

How do you know I was checking it, when NOBODY was watching. Were you spying on me?!!!

Mom! We didn’t need to spy. Plus, in your own words: ‘God is always watching’, they sing-sang together in the mock-mothering voice.  You were so bad at it. Just admit it.

Fine.  I admit.  I admit I was hooked.  But I wouldn’t have known I was hooked, if I didn’t try to quit.  There, the Facebook fast was a blazing success! Without it, I wouldn’t have realized I was addicted.  Isn’t that the whole point of the fast?

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