Monday, July 08, 2013

Growth - Every Garden Needs a Gardener

I flip through the stack of index cards, their messages indeed short and sweet, upbeat and positive. I want them to be true, I want gardening to be a-five-simple-and-easy-steps, accomplished overnight or over a week-end with instant awe-factor, no-sweat results. I want a garden that is cared for by an automatic sprinkling system and hired out lawn service, without my personal involvement. The gardening that makes no claims on my time, energy and attention.

A gardening at a push of a button, something I can do from the air-conditioned comfort of my home, preferably on my mobile device, as I sip coffee and watch HGTV.

Gardening without dirt under my broken fingernails, the smell of manure on my skin, the sting of sweat on the small of my back.

No-mess gardening that doesn't pull me in and reveal that it is not my garden that's the problem - it's me! The huge billboard-garden advertising what a powerless pauper I am in desperate need for...

Suddenly I stop and realize that something has changed...

For all this time I've been wanting, looking for, searching for a miracle. A short-cut miracle that would expertly and professionally change and fix my yard and make it presentable ...

All this accomplished - apart from me...

But now, I realize that I wanted the change not just apart from me, but also apart from...

... this intensely personal...

...shovel-in-his-hand personal...

... garden-hose-in-his-hand personal...

Gardener from outer space!

And now I see that without Him, I can do nothing, accomplish nothing.

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