Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Well is Deep

Oh, you are one of THOSE… she thinks, scraping the garbage heap of her memories… Overpromise, underdeliver.  I know your type, the smooth-talkers good with cheap words that flow freely...

Words are cheap. The truth, however, has a price tag, she discovered. A price tag, that few… so very few seem willing to pay.

Sir, she looks at Jesus…. The tired, the thirsty, the empty-handed Jesus who just minutes ago asked her for a cup of cold water. There is something different about this man, but she can't quite put her finger on it. 

Sir, she wants to say, You are out of Your mind. You have no idea what You are talking about. For, this soul thirst… this unquenchable dehydration of the heart is… she scrambles for words to capture the impossible predicament of the human heart, and decides it’s hopeless. So, she addresses Him like she would a mentally disabled child. It may sound condescending, but clearly He needs to be reminded of the simple facts of the present grim reality.

Sir, You have nothing to draw with…

You are empty-handed. You don’t even have a beat-up, dinged bucket in Your hand.

… and the well is deep.

This well, sir, is deep. Deeper than…

… the loneliness of a foreigner far away from home…

…. the dejection of an unloved woman while her husband is in another's arms…

… the fear of a child lost in the dark of the splintered lives of adults…

… the powerlessness of a man to make good on his promise…

... the despair of the beloved comedian who couldn't find a drop of water anywhere to quench his thirst in all his success, in all his friends, and family, and fans, in all his accomplishments, in all his wealth... in all the gifts that this world can offer... including his own gift of bringing happiness... and the world?
Do You have a bucket for THAT well Sir?

Who do You think You are Sir? 

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