Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Appointment with God-in-Disguise

In that very moment, the woman is entering the stage of human history, front and center, by engaging in a seemingly random conversation with the thirsty Stranger, and she doesn’t even know it!

She is dropping Jacob’s name in the face of the Eternal Son of God standing in front of her in the beat-up body of a tired Galileean... as a value-added to her thirst-ridden existence... as a one-up-menship trump card meant to put this preposterous Stranger in His place.

Who do You think You are, Mister? You don’t think You are greater than our highest and the best, flawed and imperfect as he may be, do you?

Good question. Just minutes before Jesus asked the same, with a slightly different inflection:

If you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink’…

It’s this who that matters most of all.  

One can only imagine what goes on through Jesus’ mind as He humors the woman.

Aaaah, Jake! Love that guy! So passionate! So intense! Wouldn’t let go… so eager, but couldn’t wait… just couldn’t wait… he had to get it in his way… on his timetable…… Until… of course… I remember that night we wrestled and I had to do what I had to do… it hurt… both of us… I wish there was a different way…but he finally adjusted his pace after that… not rushing ahead of Me all the time…finally stopped scheming and manipulating, as if I need his help to bless him…

He looks at woman, His love reaching deeper than her thirst…

His love reaching deeper than her need for validation… valuable to Him as she is, no name dropping, no list of accomplishments, without any achievements and awards.  Beyond ruined reputation, beyond hurt, beyond disappointments, beyond the emptiness left behind after each futile attempt to quench her thirst with the leaky bucket…

 For, in His eternal divine planner...

... in the Son of God’s everlasting schedule...

...there was an entry in His own handwriting... 

...a high-importance appointment flagged in His Stephen Covey’s Day-Timer,

Samaria, Jake’s Well
Facetime with Svetlana

Render bucket useless…

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