Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Where Dollar is Worthless

Overnight their dirt-poor family became quite a celebrity.  Very quickly it became known throughout the Dalmatian mountains and valleys that the American has returned and has brought back a boatload of money.  From mouth to mouth, the boatload swiftly grew into a mountain of wealth of epic proportions.

Everybody knew that this father has been gone for a very long time. And, even if half of what was known of his character was true, he must have saved every hard-earned penny, working all kinds of jobs, day and night, scraping and saving, saving and scraping, thinking of his family, dreaming of the day when all the years of  sacrifices – his and theirs - will finally be richly rewarded.

And the day has arrived at last!

No wonder that everyone was shocked when the money that the boy’s father brought from the far-off country, turned out to be quite useless in their village. 

See, this village was rather remote and the villagers had not much contact with the outside world. Daily their world revolved around minding their vineyards and minding the tobacco fields, and the few scrawny goats and donkeys that grazed on scrawny bramble bushes scattered over the side of the mountain. 

Nobody had seen much less held a dollar note.  They recognized neither names or the faces, nor the language of this foreign currency.  Some even begun to laugh and mock the boy’s father that the money isn’t real at all and it had absolutely no value except for maybe starting fire on the open hearth. 

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