Saturday, February 08, 2014

Fatherly Love

We all have issues with God. 

We think He is not doing His job.

Or, He is not doing His job the way I would like Him to do it.

His timing is off. 

I don’t think I can really trust Him. Does He see me?  Is He even listening?!!!

Our perception of God, for better or for worse, is influenced by other authorities in our lives, especially our fathers.

I was incredibly fortunate to have a father who made my child job of trusting exceptionally easy. I have picture after picture of my Dad and me embedded deeply in my mind and heart that to this day nourish my sense of well-being and safety with him near.  This has made me a fearless risk-taker to a fault, because I know no matter how badly I may fail, I will always have my Dad on my side. Of course, I had to learn the wisdom lesson along the way, but that's for another story. 

When the love of God knocked on my door, it slipped easily and comfortably into the suit of bones-and-flesh provided by my wonderful earthly dad.

An atheist at the time, he has been an amazing example of God’s unconditional love for me.  

As long as I can remember I’ve known beyond a shadow of a doubt that this humble, quiet, hard-working, deeply emotional man loved me with all his heart, and all his thoughts, and all his plans, and all his feelings towards me were love and love alone.  

Funny how God works. 

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