Thursday, August 15, 2013

Relax - God is Still in Charge

Empty. Depleted. Spent. Beyond exhausted.

This is how we find Elijah deep in the Judean wilderness sitting under a juniper tree.

So often we overlook the fact that there is a tremendous energy-cost to serving God.  There is an incalculable price attached to saying ‘yes’ to Christ, because it implies a million ‘no-s’ to every impressive counterfeit that allures us with a promise of satisfaction and fulfillment – minus the vital relationship with the living LORD.

It takes unbelievable strength and courage to stand up to this cultural pressure, to this peer pressure, to this internal-lazy-bum-I-want-shortcut-to-life-and-spirituality-instant-gratification pressure. By the end of the day, we are through. Done. Call it quits.

There is only one thing left for Elijah to do and he does it.

He takes a nap. He falls asleep under the tree. The bone-tired prophet catches some zzzs. He rests. He dozes off like a baby.

Relax. Sleep. Rest. Recharge.

Every day we get an opportunity to be reminded of one unchangeable truth.

God is God and I am not. God is in charge and I am not.

Because of it I can lay my head on the pillow in peace each night and say with a huge sense of relief and heart-felt gratitude,

Good night God.  I am going to sleep now and You just keep doing that God-thing of running the universe because You are waaay more better at it than I am. Love Ya.

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