Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The Gift of Presence

When I asked my teenagers what was the best thing about their aunt’s visit, after thinking a bit, T1 responded,

The best thing??? Just having her here with us, being present with us, was the BEST thing…

Not the presents she brought from the far off country... 

Not all the grungy, slave work we avoid and she'd done while with us, without a word of objection or complaint. 

Not even the mouth-watering meals she prepared for us to enjoy day after day after day.

Her presence WAS the best present.

I am shocked that a 15 year old boy obsessed with technology and video games would even register on that level of interpersonal relationships, much less be able to articulate it.

But, it's true. 

She was fully present to each of us - mind and body, heart and soul - to the best of her abilities, according to the need of moment, for the entire duration of her visit. 



Bringing no agenda of her own... Just being here with us, all her faculties keen, ready to listen, ready to serve in ways practical or profound. 

Serious or silly.

She continued being in touch with her family at home via Skype and even did some work – normally a busy architect in high demand. But that not only never interfered with her availability to us here, but her 'other' life actually enhanced ours, bringing a fresh dimension to our run-of-the-mill existence.  

This gift of presence, in stark contrast to the endless distractions and hyperactivity embodied in the spirit of our age and culture, was like a breath of heavenly air we got to savor for full five weeks. 

Some may consider this an extravagant luxury. Others an absolute necessity on which the fate of the world and our own soul survival depends.

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