Wednesday, September 17, 2014

System Overload

It turns out all this God-talk

…all this releasing-God-the-Spirit-God-the-Father-out-of-our-little-national/religious/location-box talk…

…all this throw-all-your-pretenses-and-come-to-the-Father-as-you-are, bringing-Him-the-heart-and-the-soul; everything- that-is-you- real-you-from-the-inside-out; the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-and-hand-it-all-over-to-Him-in-worship talk…

… all this God-as-our-Father-as-our-daddy-as-our-tata-as-our-papa talk turns out to be just a bit too much for the Samaritan woman.

It kind of overloaded her systems.

It kind of blew up her circuit.

Maybe it was just all too different from everything she’s ever heard and experienced before regarding this God…

Maybe it felt a bit like tearing down the walls of something we can control, like ritual and replacing it with something we can’t control like relationship… where prayer suddenly becomes a dialogue, a conversation rather than a monologue…

Maybe it was just too unnerving, too personal and she felt exposed and vulnerable…

Maybe the woman was just too tired of talking, even all this great God-talk-ing, but no real life change…

For she knew that everything always remains the same… the same old, same old…

Whatever the reason, she looks at Jesus and decides she had enough,

I don’t know Sir. You and I can shoot the breeze as much as we want… but it’s not gonna change one jota of my god-forsaken life. I think I’m gonna wait until God Himself  shows up on my doorstep and THEN I’ll figure it all out. When God comes down from heaven to this messed up, screwed up earth… and sees and feels for Himself what it is like to be a human… from the inside out... when He gets His hands and His feet dirty with this mess we made of our lives… when He learns what it is to be thirsty and tired, weary and weak... and... rejected and betrayed... When the promised One I heard about shows up, I’ll be all ears… until then, well... it’s just words. In our case,  your word against mine…

And she turns back to her bucket and bends over to reach it. 

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