don’t know what exactly happened nor when or how...
Nobody assumed responsibility for the crime.
Perhaps somebody sneezed.
Or coughed.
Or took a deep breath and exhaled too hard.
Or gave them a mean look?
Maybe there was no crime committed at all...
Maybe it wasn’t anything that happened from the outside that
caused it.
Perhaps it was from the inside - the internal weight of the burden held by the delicate vessel over time… until it became too
Without a bump, a look, a cough, a sneeze or even a breath,
the rocks cradled inside the glass vase became too heavy to hold in, and all of a sudden, all by itself, the
vase... cracked!
From the inside -
- OUT!
I know that most people do not walk around like see-through
glass vases, revealing the burdens they carry inside their fragile frame. But
the burden is there. And it is heavy.
Ironically, Christmas season, despite all the good
intentions of good people to bring 'good news of great joy', often makes
the burdens even harder to bear. The crushing weight of loneliness,
illness, broken relationships, grief and loss is only intensified by the
pressure to act happy regardless of how one genuinely feels on the
No wonder the cracks are appearing all over the
carefully decorated facades.
Tempers flare. Arguments erupt. Depression deepens.
Which makes me wonder if these cracks could be the best gift
of the season, after all...
An invitation to forgo the rush…
Let go of the pressure...
Simply skip the pretense…
A call to pass over the unreasonable expectations and
demands on time, wallet, physical, mental and emotional energy…
...and take a breath…
...and another deep breath…
And who knows?
The good Lord might surprise us and reveal that
the Christ Child
is already cradled there,
just waiting...
waiting for us to come...
Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29