It truly is quite mystifying but no other holiday leaves me
feeling more like a failure than Thanksgiving.
It’s as if the harder I try to cultivate this attitude of
gratitude, the more miserably I fail. My very focus on being thankful becomes counterproductive and all I notice
is how petty and grumpy and unreasonably demanding we are.
Yes, of course I am thankful. There are at least a thousand things I can name
for which I can genuinely give thanks. But then I realize that I am not really thank-full. It’s more like I am thank-half-full.
The other half is full of
frustration over the pettiness and squabbles, the extreme hardship my kids
suffer in order to come up with one… one thing
they can say they are grateful for, especially concerning their sibling.
I thank God for our guinea pig, because he’s the one member of our family we unanimously appreciate for the joy and simplicity and
super-cuteness he brings into our lives. Despite the fact that he doesn’t do any
chores and mostly eats, sleeps, poops and destroys my personal library.
Is it a surprise then that Friday morning greeted me with a
monster headache?
God, what’s WRONG with
us??? We have so much to be thankful for and look at us…JUST LOOK AT US!!! Where
did we go wrong? What are we missing??? I rant as I usually do, without expecting the answer.
… for He Himself is
kind to ungrateful and evil men.
The familiar words surprise me inside this unfamiliar context.
Do you realize I am talking
THANKSGIVING here!. We are supposed
to be t-h-a-n-k-f-u-l!
Every time I use the word 'supposed' I know I am missing something big. I am about to make myself a real turkey. But what is it?
He... is... kind… to the
God’s kindness is revealed to me not when I am at the head of Macy's Thanksgiving Parade (which is never), but when I am ungrateful and demanding, greedy and grumpy.
… for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.
Now, to me, that’s something
to be truly thankful for!